The most common question that arises often; “who is mandated with the responsibility of carrying out cyber-crime investigation and making sure that such crimes don’t exist?”. This can be explained only after comprehension of the entire concept behind cyber-crime and if there is any law that governs such kind of operations. The government strictly stamps its foot on laws concerning cyber-crime. Evidently, they are aware of how sensitive the matter can be and how fatal things could get if let to go out of hand.
Cyber-Crime refers to any crime that implicates unauthorized access to a computer system or network, unauthorized access of digitally heaped information (regardless of confidentiality). The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime or it may be the target. Some of the experts have gone an extra mile to define Cyber crimes as; “Offences committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly” using modern communication links such as Internet and mobile phones. Such crimes are of such huge magnitude such that they may threaten a whole nation’s security and financial sector. Issues surrounding these types of crimes have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding internet based activities such as cracking, copyright infringement and hacking. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or captured, legally or otherwise.
Cyber-crime is a relatively new venture to the field of law. This is because crimes existed in the ordinary mediocre way in which laws had already been passed to counter them. However with the increased rate of cyber-crimes, a reason has come up as to why it is necessary to create or amend laws that will effectively counter and stop the cyber-crime from progressing. Different States have enacted laws that are meant to counter crimes such as cyber bullying or cyber stalking.
However, if we were to lean more on the individual side of the matter, what are the effects cyber-crime can have on you as a person? Imagine waking up to an empty bank account with all your savings drained out while the previous night you were comfortable with all your dreams planned through. How dire can this be? Or rather imagine, realizing your social media page was hacked and your privacy infringed. How would it feel if someone impersonated you and used your profile to commit a crime that sets you up as the criminal? Certainly nobody wants to spend a night behind bars. Prevention is always better than cure that is why it is necessary to take pre caution.
Team SIXWAY help you implement this pre-cautions for your own safety purposes. We provide world-class risk mitigation, digital investigation, and forensic analysis services to clients that experience information security or privacy abuse. Our cyber security is committed to ensuring that as SIXWAY’s client, you are insulated from experiencing any kind of cyber-crime and through thorough investigations trace where the incident took place and who committed it.
For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us HERE.